Photos from the workshops with Bruno Galhardo and Eglantine Oliveira: You can see the full album here.
Learn and dance Brazilian Zouk in Cyprus!
Photos from the workshops with Bruno Galhardo and Eglantine Oliveira: You can see the full album here.
It was the first workshop with Bruno Galhardo and Eglantine Oliveira on Wednesday, 2nd July, 2014! And the first their demo in Cyprus!
Xandy and Evelyn will be in Limassol, Cyprus from 13-15 of September 2014! Do not miss the opportunity to see the great dancers and teachers in sunny Cyprus! Check the event in Facebook and program for more information. Xandy Liberato from Brazil & Evelyn Magyari from the Netherlands are teachers, dancers and choreographers specialized in Brazilian dance. Nowadays they spend…
Some of the best moments of workshop with great Zouk couple Leonardo and Becky Neves. Amazing atmosphere, positive energy and awesome knowledge! Zouk Passion with Leo & Becky Neves. Improvers class., a set on Flickr. Photos made by Filippos Konstantinidis.